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Charmaine Shepherd
October 10, 2024

When you hear about Long COVID, you may think of lingering fatigue, brain fog, or breathlessness. But one of the less obvious yet crucial aspects of this condition is the health of your blood vessels. Did you know that your body contains over 100,000 kilometers of blood vessels? These vessels aren’t just passive highways for transporting blood—they are dynamic, living tissues that are vital to your recovery from conditions like Long COVID.

Charmaine Shepherd
August 8, 2024

Endometriosis, a condition affecting millions of women worldwide, has long been a diagnostic challenge. On average, it takes about eight years for a woman to receive a diagnosis, a period fraught with chronic pain and significant impacts on quality of life

Charmaine Shepherd
July 25, 2024

Are you feeling constantly tired or experiencing hormonal imbalances? Your liver could be the hidden culprit. In our latest video, created in collaboration with LiverScan, we delve into the crucial role of liver health and how it impacts your overall well-being. Join us as we uncover essential tips and expert insights on keeping your liver in top shape. Don't miss out on this eye-opening journey to better health—watch now and take the first step towards feeling your best!

Charmaine Shepherd
July 14, 2024

Diabetes Type 2 can be reversed in so many cases when you work towards root cause.

June 27, 2024

Is the gut responsible for the development of Parkinson's disease?

Charmaine Shepherd
June 19, 2024

Unlocking the Secret to Hormone Balance: The Gut-Health Connection

Charmaine Shepherd
May 9, 2024

Understanding the Link Between Sleep, Libido, and Your Gut Health. Do you ever wonder why some nights you feel more in the mood than others? Or why getting a good night's sleep can sometimes lead to a better day in the bedroom? It turns out, there's a fascinating connection between your sleep patterns, your libido, and the tiny organisms living in your gut.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 9, 2024

In the pursuit of modern convenience and efficiency, humanity often finds itself entangled in a web of unintended consequences. One such consequence, now coming to light with alarming clarity, is the insidious threat posed by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on our cardiovascular health.

Charmaine Shepherd
April 29, 2024

Unlocking the Secrets of Gut Bacteria: A Key to Fighting Heart Disease

Charmaine Shepherd
April 26, 2024

Our personalised 6 week programme includes extensive bloodwork, Carotid Intima Media Thickness Ultrasound (CIMT) Examination, Your body composition, blood pressure, blood oxygenation, and heart rate variability assessments.

Charmaine Shepherd
January 14, 2024

Osteoporosis has many underlying causes

Charmaine Shepherd
January 7, 2024

In a world where cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) loom as a leading cause of mortality, the power to proactively safeguard your heart health is within reach. Research has unveiled startling insights: nearly half of those considered low to moderate risk for heart issues exhibit asymptomatic atherosclerosis. This underlines the importance of taking preventive measures, and our intensive 6-week Heart Health Programme stands as a beacon of hope in this pursuit.

Charmaine Shepherd
January 4, 2024

As we navigate through our 40s, life seems to hit its stride - careers solidify, families flourish, and stability takes root. Yet, amidst this bustling phase, there's an aspect often overlooked: our health. Recently, groundbreaking research has unveiled a concerning truth - dementia isn't solely an affliction of the elderly. Young-onset dementia, striking before the age of 65, is a stark reality for many, but there's a beacon of hope in this revelation: it's potentially preventable.

Charmaine Shepherd
October 5, 2023

If you're reading this, chances are you're either going through perimenopause or you know someone who is. It's a phase of life that all women experience as they approach menopause, and it can bring a host of changes, not just physically, but mentally as well.

Charmaine Shepherd
August 30, 2023

When we think about bone health, images of calcium-rich foods and weight-bearing exercises might come to mind. But did you know that the health of your skeletal system is intricately linked to your gut? Recent research has shed light on the fascinating relationship between the gut microbiome and bone health. Conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis are now being connected to the balance of bacteria in your intestines. In this article, we'll explore how your gut health affects your bones and how a healthy diet can support both your gut and bone well-being.

Charmaine Shepherd
August 19, 2023

Can short bursts of exertion reduce the risk of cancer, dementia and extend life?

Charmaine Shepherd
August 18, 2023

A new study on over 700 000 individuals has highlighted the impact of lifestyle on healthy ageing. Following just these 8 steps can add decades to your life.

Charmaine Shepherd
June 23, 2023

In the midst of the challenging journey that is depression, it's essential to remember that hope and healing are within reach. While depression may feel overwhelming and isolating, there is a path forward—a path that leads to understanding the root causes of your condition and embracing lifestyle changes that can transform your well-being. Having experienced this devestating condition myself, I am no stranger to the paralysing effects of depression. But my personal experience has shaped the way in which I work with individuals that are going through episodes of depression. I encourage patients to dig deeper and move beyond conventional treatment options, to explore underlying causes for your depression.

Charmaine Shepherd
June 22, 2023

This article explores the intriguing link between oral health and brain health, shedding light on the importance of practices like flossing for improving overall well-being.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 25, 2023

Protecting your most valuable asset: Your Brain

Charmaine Shepherd
May 11, 2023

Summary: Modern lifestyles can disrupt the body's natural rhythms, which can lead to several degenerative conditions. The recent study linking longer naps to a 90% increased risk of atrial fibrillation highlights the importance of understanding the body's natural rhythms.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 11, 2023

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in cases of various diseases, including type 2 diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease, that are linked to imbalances in the gut microbiota. I have seen an explosion of conditions in my practice that results from damage to the gut lining. The gut is home to around 95% of the symbiotic microbes in the human body, which in a healthy state promote overall health. However, changes in diet, stress, chronic alcohol consumption, the use of antibiotics, and other environmental and genetic factors can alter the microbiota and lead to intestinal inflammation and increased intestinal permeability, a condition known as "leaky gut.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 4, 2023

How improving your gut health can reduce cardiovascular risk

Charmaine Shepherd
May 4, 2023

Fibroids commonly lead to fatigue and pain in many women

Charmaine Shepherd
May 3, 2023

Many people are opting for a brain MOT, here's why.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 2, 2023

What you can do to protect yourself against endocrine disrupting chemicals

Charmaine Shepherd
March 22, 2023

Medical gaslighting is a term that describes the phenomenon of patients being made to feel that their physical symptoms are all in their head or are the result of a psychological condition. This is a frustrating and harmful experience for patients who are seeking medical help but instead are made to feel that their concerns are not being taken seriously. Medical gaslighting occurs when doctors cannot work out what the problem is, and instead of continuing to search for a physical cause, they suggest that the patient's symptoms are due to stress, anxiety, or depression.

Charmaine Shepherd
March 22, 2023

Chronological Ageing is an inevitable part of life, but biological ageing doesn't have to be. While getting older is something we cannot stop, the chronic diseases and frailty that are commonly associated with ageing are not inevitable. We have seen many examples of people living long, healthy lives well into their 90s and 100s, without the presence of most of the diseases that we commonly associate with ageing. If this is possible for a select population, is it possible for all of us?

Charmaine Shepherd
March 17, 2023

Cancer treatment can result in long-term side effects, such as pain, stress, and insomnia. Mind-body therapies, such as acupuncture and meditation, are increasingly being used to manage these symptoms and improve the quality of life for cancer survivors.

Charmaine Shepherd
March 13, 2023

The declining nutritional values of food in the UK is a growing concern. Many studies have suggested that food today is less nutritious than it was several decades ago. This decline is attributed to various factors such as soil depletion, modern farming practices, and food processing techniques. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this decline and the impact it has on our health

Charmaine Shepherd
February 12, 2023

I am seeing a growing number of cases of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) in my practice. This condition causes an over-activation and proliferation of a type of immune cell termed a mast cell, leading to a range of symptoms such as dizziness, cardiovascular symptoms, skin rashes, abdominal pain, and fatigue.

Charmaine Shepherd
February 10, 2023

Your mouth is for more than eating and talking! It hosts a whole diverse ecosystem of bacteria that influences health.

Charmaine Shepherd
February 5, 2023

If you have high levels of uric acid in your blood, you might be at risk of developing heart problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack, or heart failure. Although scientists are still figuring out exactly why high uric acid is linked to heart problems, some studies suggest that inflammation and oxidative stress in the body could be playing a role.

Charmaine Shepherd
January 4, 2023

Glutathione is one of my favourite nutrients because it packs such a punch in terms of effect. Most of my patients who ask for glutathione infusions are interested in its powerful detoxifying capacity. However, this hard-working nutrient has a great deal more benefits for your health, including preventing cellular damage and scavenging free radicals from the body and as such it is considered crucial for maintaining overall health and wellness.

Charmaine Shepherd
January 4, 2023

Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same negative habits? Are you ready to make a change and create a happier, healthier life for yourself? Our habit changing workshop can help you do just that!

Charmaine Shepherd
May 26, 2022

Biotin is a vitamin that is essential for energy production and cell growth. The name biotin comes from the Greek word, “biotos”, which means sustenance or life. This little powerhouse vitamin lives up to its name by being essential in all our cellular processes, maintaining liver, nerve, hair, skin and nails.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 5, 2022

Food intolerances can often underlie a wide range of symptoms from brain fog, joint pain, rashes, anxiety, bloating, IBs to fatigue. Many of my patients are currently wanting to focus on improving their immune function and improve resiliency. One of the most powerful ways of doing this is to follow a short-term elimination diet, because choosing the right foods for your body can help to reduce inflammation and the risk of illness.

Charmaine Shepherd
August 31, 2021

Aime* is in her early 50s and lives in Scotland with her husband and two daughters. She has a demanding people-facing job. *Aime’s real name has been changed to protect her privacy.

Charmaine Shepherd
August 31, 2021

Rebalance your health - Biofeedback for Stress and Your Chronic Health Conditions

Charmaine Shepherd
May 29, 2021

This year, I have seen a great deal of Long Covid in my practice. This is a collection of symptoms following covid infection that continues to linger for more than 28 days. In some cases, patients have been struggling for months to recover fully. Many viruses out there can cause post-viral issues if the immune system does not resolve the infection efficiently. However, Covid seems to be in a different league altogether in terms of long-haul symptoms.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 10, 2021

Charmaine Shepherd
April 22, 2021

The aftermath of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be frustrating. Years later you may struggle with remembering, or learning new things. It can be hard to keep yourself organised or to even make decisions. And the mood swings are especially hard. Your TBI may be having an effect on your digestion – thanks to the gut-brain axis.

Charmaine Shepherd
January 3, 2021

Menopause does not have to be a time of unpleasant symptoms. Here are things that you can do to prevent needing HRT.

Charmaine Shepherd
January 1, 2021

Are you struggling to lose weight despite doing all the right things? Here are some of the reasons why the weight may be staying on.

Charmaine Shepherd
November 20, 2020

"Knowing your genetics can help you personalise your treatment approach. Many of my patients are overwhelmed with health information from all directions and the internet can take you down a rabbit hole of articles touting the benefits of literally thousands of supplements. Knowing what your specific risks are and which nutrient requirements your body needs, can be hugely beneficial."

Charmaine Shepherd
November 2, 2020

Fatigue, mood issues, depression and bloating all linked to B12 deficiency

Charmaine Shepherd
November 1, 2020

Many women are often surprised to find that the source of their hormonal problems is stemming from the microbes that inhabit the gut. Here's what you can do to help keep your gut and hormones balanced.

Charmaine Shepherd
October 20, 2020

Evidence shows that oral health can dramatically impact cognitive health. Here's what to do about it.

Charmaine Shepherd
October 20, 2020

Many of you have been joining Joanna’s free breathing class. We only intended running the class for a few weeks, but the class became so popular that it is still running today. From next week, Joanna will be introducing more classes, each with a different focus.

Charmaine Shepherd
August 26, 2020

Thyroid problems are often misdiagnosed if thorough investigations are not run

Charmaine Shepherd
July 21, 2020

Gut issues causing you problems?

Charmaine Shepherd
July 15, 2020

A new study published this week links PPIs to an increased risk of contracting Covid-19

Charmaine Shepherd
June 14, 2020

Are we doomed by our genetic inheritance?

Charmaine Shepherd
June 13, 2020

Research shows that 138 million women suffer from vaginal infections each year [1], yet when vaginal discomfort appears, women are often slow to ask for help and by the time they reach out, in many cases they have tried many over the counter remedies. Even then, they are often not correctly diagnosed, leading to years of recurring symptoms.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 23, 2020

Exercise not only boosts mental wellbeing, our immune systems get a boost also!

Charmaine Shepherd
May 19, 2020

Giving the body the optimal nutrition that it needs is the most important step in boosting your immune system.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 19, 2020

My promise to my patients is that I will do everything in my power to bring them back to health but sometimes these efforts are sabotaged when patients have a high “body burden”.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 19, 2020

The importance of strengthening the immune system is vital to avoid or successfully overcome this ongoing pandemic.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 15, 2020

There has never been a more important time to focus on underlying health conditions and immune strengthening.

Charmaine Shepherd
May 15, 2020

Stress is a part of our everyday lives but it can have a negative impact on the immune system if not managed properly

Charmaine Shepherd
March 29, 2020

Recent research is demonstrating that the use of devices or techniques to properly stimulate the vagus nerve might help to control or eliminate several health conditions associated with chronic pain and inflammation such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and many others

Charmaine Shepherd
March 24, 2020

Here are my recommendations to surviving the lockdown

Charmaine Shepherd
January 3, 2020

On every scale of human interactions, be it a small gathering of people or a United Nations meeting, we divide mankind into friends, strangers or enemies.

Charmaine Shepherd
January 2, 2020

“All the fibre in the world won’t make me poo” my patient told me. I often get patients who complain of chronic constipation.

Charmaine Shepherd
January 1, 2020

One of the most common symptoms that I encounter in my practice is headaches and migraines.

Charmaine Shepherd

We're thrilled to introduce two groundbreaking offerings designed to revolutionise your understanding of cardiovascular health: CIMT Scanning and our exclusive 6-Week Heart Health Programme. These initiatives are crafted to empower you to take charge of your heart health and pave the way for a vibrant life.

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Let's work together to see how I can help. I welcome clients from every race, creed, colour, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation and gender expression. I provide a safe and empathic space for anyone who is committed to working with me to improve their health.

Charmaine's Blog

Read my latest news articles to see how I can help.

Healing Blood Vessels in Long COVID: The Key Role of Your Endothelial Glycocalyx

Exciting New Development in Endometriosis Testing: Introducing the Ziwig Endotest®

Unlocking Energy: How Your Liver Health Impacts Hormones and Vitality

Unlocking the Gut-Brain Connection: A New Frontier in Parkinson's Disease Treatment

From Gas to Gloom: How Your Gassy Gut May Cause Hormone Imbalance

From Pillow Talk to Passion: Understanding the Sleep-Gut-Libido Connection

Join us for our Heart Health event!

The Multi-Dimensional Influence on Bone Health: Functional Medicine Insights

Join Our 6-Week Heart Health Programme: Transformative Steps for Your Well-Being

Preventing Young-Onset Dementia: The Power of Lifestyle Changes

Resetting the Perimenopausal Brain

Title: Nurturing Strong Bones: The Gut-Bone Connection and the Power of a Balanced Diet

Unlocking the Power of Short, Intense Bursts: A Promising Path to Health and Longevity

Unlock Your Cognitive Potential with a Cognoscopy: Protect Your Most Valuable Asset—Your Brain

The Gut-Brain Connection: How Leaky Gut May Contribute to Chronic Disease

Heart Health and the Gut: The Role of Functional Medicine

The MCAS explosion

Healthier Habits

Biotin - The Proven Health Benefits

Are your symptoms caused by food intolerances?

How Charmaine helped Aime avoid disability and live her happiest life yet

Resonance Biofeedback

Long Covid

Functional Blood Analysis

Why Does Traumatic Brain Injury Harm Your Gut?

Menopausal Symptoms Getting You Down? 5 Things You Need to Address Before Taking HRT

Struggling to lose weight?

Why personalising medicine matters

Could it be B12?

Is Your Gut to Blame for Your Hormonal Issues?

Is Your Mouth Affecting Your Brain?

New Online Classes

Can we change the genetic “cards” that we are dealt?

What is causing your vaginal issues?

Getting Your Immune System Ready After Lockdown Ends

39 Things to know about your gut bacteria

All the fibre in the world won’t make me poo!

Natural Treatments for Headaches & Migraine

Heart Health and Vascular Prevention