Functional Medicine

Getting to the root of
chronic health issues

Clinically researched strategies

What is Functional Medicine and Why Do We Need It?

Society today is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases, such as autoimmune disorders, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, and infertility.

The system of medicine practiced by most doctors is oriented toward acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of illness that is of short duration and in need of urgent care, such as infections or injuries. This is where our NHS shines! GPs apply specific, prescribed treatments such as drugs or surgery that deal with the immediate problem or symptom.

Unfortunately, this acute-care approach to medicine lacks the proper methodology and tools for preventing and treating complex, chronic diseases. GPs and consultants lack the time to piece together a full picture of the person. In most cases, they do not consider the unique genetic makeup of each individual or factors such as environmental exposures to toxins and the aspects of today’s lifestyle that have a direct influence on the rise in chronic disease in modern Western society.

There’s a very big gap between research integrating into clinical practice.

There’s a very big gap between research integrating into clinical practice. The gap between emerging research in basic sciences and integration into medical practice is enormous (as long as 50 years) particularly in the area of complex, chronic illness. Take the microbiome for instance. Functional medicine practitioners have been at the forefront of driving the huge volume of research that is now being done in this area. Yet, most GPs still have no practical information on how to integrate this knowledge into their practices.

Most GPs are not adequately trained to unravel the underlying causes of complex, chronic disease and to apply clinically proven strategies such as nutrition, diet, and exercise to both treat and prevent these illnesses in their patients.

How is Functional Medicine Different?

Rather than managing symptoms, functional medicine involves unravelling each individual case to understand and treat the origins of complex, chronic disease.  

Qualities of a functional medicine approach include:

  • A science-based healthcare approach. Using clinically researched and validated strategies, functional medicine takes your whole health picture into account. We unravel complex cases and look “upstream” to consider the complex web of interactions that has or could lead to illness., body and spirit) and external (physical and social environment) factors that affect all body systems.
  • Functional medicine has a very person-centred focus. We don’t treat the labels (diagnosis) in isolation but rather in context of the individual person’s circumstances. We promote health as positive vitality, rather than just the absence of disease. By listening to the patient and learning your story and then ordering laboratory screens selectively, we can tailor treatments that address your individual unique needs.
  • Integrating best medical practices. Functional medicine integrates traditional Western medical diagnostics with “integrative” medicine, creating a focus on prevention through nutrition, diet, and exercise; use of the latest laboratory testing and other diagnostic techniques; and prescribed combinations of botanical medicines, acupuncture, biofeedback, supplements, therapeutic diets, detoxification programs, or stress-management techniques.

Working with a Functional Medicine Practitioner

Working with a Functional medicine practitioner requires a commitment to health. Over time, personalised strategies will promote wellness by focusing on the underlying factors that influence your health. We will begin with careful history taking, physical examination, and laboratory testing. This will then enable us to consider multiple factors, including:

  • how well your gut works in digesting and absorbing critical nutrients
  • immune system and inflammatory regulation
  • how efficiently your cells produce energy
  • how your body clears itself of toxins
  • the production, regulation and breakdown of hormones and neurotransmitters

All of the above processes are influenced by environmental factors have on your genetic make-up. If these processes are imbalanced, they lead to symptoms, which may lead to disease if effective interventions are not applied. However, we know that genetics are not set in stone as we once believed. The expression of our genes can be altered by environmental factors.

A Comprehensive Approach to Treatment

Often people are afraid of genetic and other laboratory testing but most imbalances in functionality can be addressed; some can be completely restored to optimum function, and others can be substantially improved.

Prevention is paramount. Virtually every complex, chronic disease is preceded by long-term disturbances in functionality that simmers under the surface for years. Seeing the warning signs and changing how the system functions can have a major impact on health. We always work with nature, not against it, and all interventions are natural.

It is essential that the patient becomes a partner. As a patient, you become an active partner allowing you to be fully in charge of improving your own health and changing the outcome of disease.

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Let's work together to see how I can help. I welcome clients from every race, creed, colour, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation and gender expression. I provide a safe and empathic space for anyone who is committed to working with me to improve their health.

Charmaine's Blog

Read my latest news articles to see how I can help.

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Exciting New Development in Endometriosis Testing: Introducing the Ziwig Endotest®

Unlocking Energy: How Your Liver Health Impacts Hormones and Vitality

Unlocking the Gut-Brain Connection: A New Frontier in Parkinson's Disease Treatment

From Gas to Gloom: How Your Gassy Gut May Cause Hormone Imbalance

From Pillow Talk to Passion: Understanding the Sleep-Gut-Libido Connection

Join us for our Heart Health event!

The Multi-Dimensional Influence on Bone Health: Functional Medicine Insights

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Unlock Your Cognitive Potential with a Cognoscopy: Protect Your Most Valuable Asset—Your Brain

The Gut-Brain Connection: How Leaky Gut May Contribute to Chronic Disease

Heart Health and the Gut: The Role of Functional Medicine

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