Resonance Biofeedback

Rebalancing body
functions naturally

Natural solutions for chronic health conditions

Resonance Biofeedback

What is stopping you from reaching your full potential? Is lack of vitality affecting your career, relationships or personal goals?
If you are leading an active life, why should you settle for less than 100% health? If you are having to manage a career, finances, a home and family do you really have enough time to take proper care of your health even though you know that good health is key to maintaining your lifestyle? Most of us don’t function to our full potential in life and suffer the consequences of burn-out or ill health when we should be in our prime years!

How does it work?

Resonance biofeedback uses complex programmes with sensors attached to your ankles, wrists and forehead that measure and feed resonance information between yourself and the system. In one session the body’s reactivity to more than 9000 items are tested. From this information, a risk profile can be assessed and ranked for the different regulating systems of your body, thus allowing us to work out a wellness programme within the same session.
Biofeedback is very safe and has a feedback loop which zeros in on your resonance pulse and sends back an alternate pulse to which your body responds to rebalance functions. Throughout the session the constant feedback continuously monitors and adjusts the frequencies to customise the session for your body.

Stress, anxiety and the nervous system

Your nervous system responds to stress together with the endocrine system. It is triggered by the “subjective perceptions of threat” whether the stress/threat is real or imagined. (So even when you just think of stress, your nervous system will react!) There is a disruption of your sympathetic & parasympathetic branches of your body during reactions to stress.

Basically, there are two branches to your autonomic nervous system-

The Parasympathetic Branch deals with:
relaxation, digestion, reproduction, tissue repair & social bonding.
The Sympathetic Branch deals with fighting, fleeing & fear.
The parasympathetic and sympathetic branch work together as though they were elephants on a see saw trying to keep everything in balance.
During a stress response, the two branches react quite differently:
The sympathetic branch responds by dilating pupils, lowering salivation levels, increasing your heart rate, speeding up and shallowing your breathing rate, lowering secretion levels, increasing your blood flow & tension levels and increases your sweating.
The parasympathetic branch responds in pretty much the opposite by constricting pupils, increasing your salivation, lowering your heart rate, slowing and deepening of your breathing, increasing your secretions (to aid in digestion), lessening your blood flow and your sweating levels.

What seems to be happening is that with higher stress levels on the rise, the balance has tipped to the sympathetic nervous system. So many of my patients will complain constantly of a racing heart, dry mouth, digestive problems, weak bladders etc. Typically, when they come in for a session, many people are shallow breathing.
With the system we gently nudge and encourage the body to return to the healthy balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. In doing so, patients find that not only can they cope better with stressful situations, they also notice their digestive complaints resolving, tension in their neck and shoulders easing etc.

Stress/anxiety and brain waves

It is well known that the brain is an electrochemical organ; researchers have speculated that a fully functioning brain can generate as much as 10 watts of electrical power. This is another function I normally look at when there are high levels of stress and anxiety.

This electrical occurs in very specific ways that are characteristic of the human brain. Electrical activity emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves. There are four categories of these brainwaves, ranging from the most activity to the least activity.

When the brain is actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves. These beta waves are of relatively low amplitude, and are characteristics of a strongly engaged mind. A person in active conversation would be in beta. A debater would be in high beta. A person making a speech, or a teacher, or a talk show host would all be in beta when they are engaged in their work.

The next brainwave category in order of frequency is alpha. Where beta represented arousal, alpha represents non-arousal. Alpha brainwaves are slower, and higher in amplitude. A person who is very relaxed or in a meditative state is usually in an alpha state.

Theta brainwaves, are of a slower frequency. This is a daydreaming state. A person who has driven a long distance on a highway and cannot recall large parts of the driving journey is in a theta state. The repetitious nature of that form of driving compared to a windy and narrow road would differentiate a theta state and a beta state. It is typically a very positive mental state.

The final brainwave state is delta. Dreamless sleep would take you down to delta waves.

Although one brainwave state may predominate at any given time the remaining three brain states are present in the mix of brainwaves at all times.

However, if there are excessive Beta waves, it indicates that the person may be overthinking. At the end of the session I hope that the patient leaves the session more relaxed!

What to expect

At the first session straps are placed around the wrists, ankles and forehead and you are placed into a comfortable chair. The testing takes approximately 5 minutes, after which we talk through the results as well as your case history. Therapy can begin immediately once we have uncovered any problem areas.

What patients are saying:

” I cannot believe the difference in myself from where I was two months ago. I just wanted to write to say thank you for all that you have done. I am back at work and feel that I am able to tackle new challenges. The anxiety and depression has eased up and others are noticing too. Colleagues and friends have commented that I look like a different person. I’ve decided to have a “maintenance” session every month to make sure that I stay where I am now!” JK January 2008

“3 months ago when I dragged my reluctant husband in for a SCIO session I was worried sick about him and his health. Now, he walks 2 miles each day, has lost a lot of weight, looks and feels a million times better. His stress levels at work are still high but he is now able to cope much better and is much more positive about his career and even at home. The changes have been enormous and it must be the best thing that could have done for our family.” AJS – December 2007

““I just wanted to write and tell you that my job presentation went so well and I have been given a good offer. Who would have known that just 2 months before I was unable to leave my home due to chronic panic attacks. I’ve got my life back. Thank you.” KM March 2008

In Touch Magazine –Issue26–Spring 2008

Just to update you that I went ahead with the Biofeedback scan on Wednesday at the Edinburgh Clinic. This was the best £90 I have ever spent. To think of all the thousands of pounds that I had spent on CT Scans/Colonoscopy/Endoscopy at a private hospital to get answers to my bowel/stomach problem and nothing had shown up.

The results from the Biofeedback scan showed Candida Albicans and lactose intolerance which explains all of my problems – bowel, stomach, indigestion, persistent tiredness, lethargy, brain fog, cramps, memory loss etc. Now that I know what I’m coping with and with Charmaine’s guidance I can move on as I have felt my life has been on hold for 7 months. Also shown on the scan was my severe chronic neck and back problems. thank you for having this amazing scan in your clinics – it took just over an hour for me to be told what was wrong with me.”

AC – April 2008

What patients are saying

What happy clients are saying Resonance Biofeedback

January 2008
I am able to tackle new challenges

”I cannot believe the difference in myself from where I was two months ago. I just wanted to write to say thank you for all that you have done. I am back at work and feel that I am able to tackle new challenges. The anxiety and depression has eased up and others are noticing too. Colleagues and friends have commented that I look like a different person. I’ve decided to have a “maintenance” session every month to make sure that I stay where I am now!”

December 2007
The changes have been enormous

“3 months ago when I dragged my reluctant husband in for a SCIO session I was worried sick about him and his health. Now, he walks 2 miles each day, has lost a lot of weight, looks and feels a million times better. His stress levels at work are still high but he is now able to cope much better and is much more positive about his career and even at home. The changes have been enormous and it must be the best thing that could have done for our family.”

March 2008
I’ve got my life back

“I just wanted to write and tell you that my job presentation went so well and I have been given a good offer. Who would have known that just 2 months before I was unable to leave my home due to chronic panic attacks. I’ve got my life back. Thank you.”

April 2008
This was the best £90 I have ever spent

"Just to update you that I went ahead with the Biofeedback scan on Wednesday at the Edinburgh Clinic. This was the best £90 I have ever spent. To think of all the thousands of pounds that I had spent on CT Scans/Colonoscopy/Endoscopy at a private hospital to get answers to my bowel/stomach problem and nothing had shown up.The results from the Biofeedback scan showed Candida Albicans and lactose intolerance which explains all of my problems – bowel, stomach, indigestion, persistent tiredness, lethargy, brain fog, cramps, memory loss etc. Now that I know what I’m coping with and with Charmaine’s guidance I can move on as I have felt my life has been on hold for 7 months. Also shown on the scan was my severe chronic neck and back problems. thank you for having this amazing scan in your clinics – it took just over an hour for me to be told what was wrong with me.”

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Let's work together to see how I can help. I welcome clients from every race, creed, colour, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation and gender expression. I provide a safe and empathic space for anyone who is committed to working with me to improve their health.

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